Some notes from ZOOOF meeting 24 october 2018 (incomplete) by David;
- pessimistic, end-optimist, realistic,
- disappointment
- from the book
- mourning nature or mourning capitalism
- melancholy vs. mourning
- melancholic aspects of zoo, conserving the feeling, memories of the zoo, generations, your glad – is still there, and it being not acceptable at all anymore, but it got better
- mourning and abstraction, mourning about something is abstract as climate
- environmental decay is a gradual process not abrupt
- what is mourning? and can you design a process of mourning, a event a momentum of mourning
- i would be great if you can go to this place and you can die, zoo landscape of risk
- failing experiments,
- olympische spelen as cosmopolitan feeling, Armenia stars and touching the earth – the landscape of stone, on top of a mountain at night
- The wild cube, art piece, beautiful
- bamboo cutting, decolonizing material,
- Bella Tar, whale movie Hungary – Werkmeister Harmoniac
- Hancocks, ideal enclosure, the drawing of Darwin of the English Hatch