project #6

ZOOOF and the Future Generation
Together with ARTIS, Het Groote Museum and Noordjes Kinderkunst, ZOOOF thinks draws and builds with the next generation on the Zoo of the Future.
As the zoo focusses mainly on the young visitor, complex topics are often considered 'adult issues'. This interactive and ongoing research opens this debate for the actual target group of the zoo: our future generation!

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Noordje en de demonstrerende dieren
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Noordje: tentoonstelling Dierentuin van de Toekomst
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Noordje en het boek van de verdwenen diersoorten
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Noordje en dieren over een miljoen jaar
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Noordje en de dieren van de toekomst
July 24, 2024
Noordje en de dierenkrant
July 23, 2024
Noordje en de dierenstad
July 22, 2024
ZOOOF and Noordjes Kinderkunst
October 22, 2023
Drawing on the future of the Zoo – 156 children drawings