project #6
Together with ARTIS, Het Groote Museum and Noordjes Kinderkunst, ZOOOF thinks draws and builds with the next generation on the Zoo of the Future.
Project #5
a project investigating the role of sexuality. gender and population control at the Zoo
Here we collect your letters about animals you would like to meet in the zoo of the future, which will also be gathered in a publication. Feel free to send us a
Project #4
A project about letting deeply embedded
colonial norms go, and embracing a multi-species environment
Project #3
Unearth zoo is a project about extremophiles colonizing our universe.
Project #2
A project about finding the wild in human
and non-human animals
Project #1
A project about interspecies empathy
and collaboration
A printed documentation of the content leading up to the symposium, essays and photographs from the day itself and a tiny glimpse of the future.
An afternoon of talks, videos, ceremonies, food, poetry, science, animal love-making and serious discussion about thinking „the zoo in the anthropocene“.
Thesis Project
A research project about the zoo as an urban fragment and its architectural similarities to the city.