Considering the implications of a new geological epoch, it is about time we review the way we look at animals. And what better place to look at animals than the zoo? By looking at human-nature relationships from a number of different perspectives we develop a number of (counter-) proposals for the non-human habitats in the contemporary zoo.
Jan, 2014 – May, 2017
Thijs de Zeeuw’s Challenge to Design an
Elephant Enclosure for Artis Amsterdam Royal Zoo
May, 2015 – Feb, 2016
Bart de Hartog’s
research A Day
at the Zoo
Apr, 2017
The inception of
Nov, 2017
Symposium The Zoo in the Anthropocene
May, 2018
Coexist Competition
Living Apart
Aug, 2018 – Oct, 2019
Project 1:
The City as Zoo
Aug, 2018 – Oct, 2019
Project 2:
Wilding the Zoo
Aug, 2018 – Oct, 2019
Project 3:
Unearth Zoo
Aug, 2018 – Oct, 2019
Project 4:
The Giraffe Garden
Apr, 2020
Exhibition at zone2source
in Amsterdam
Jul, 2021 – Dec, 2022
Project 5:
Making Love in the Zoo
Oct, 2023
Exhibition at het
Groote Museum
Oct, 2023 – Dec, 2024
Project 6:
Drawing your Zoo of the Future
May, 2026 – May, 2026
Thijs de Zeeuw's challenge to design an enclosure for Artis Amsterdam Royal Zoo and Bart de Hartog's research Project "A Day at the Zoo" touched upon so many fundamental questions that ZOOOF was born.
Ever since, ZOOOF organised a symposium, talks, a publication and built up this online archive.
We see the library-part of this website as an open platform. A visual think-tank, where everybody is invited to upload contents. It is clear that we don't own all of the copyrights of these images, and zooofthefuture.com should therefore never be mentioned as their respective source. If you feel your personal copyright is being violated by this website, please get in contact with one of our project coordinators.

The Zoo of the Future is a research project supported by the Creative Industries Fund NL.
This website makes use of the typefaces "Whyte" and "Synt" by Dinamo, next to Helvetica.
Design and programming done by Kaj Lehmann.