silent message from the owl

It’s been a while since the last time you’ve been here. “why are you here?” You curiously cross the threshold towards the unknown. The ambient colourful world of moments ago gives way to an obscure void full of shadows and silhouettes. “What will be in here?” You are looking for answers which can help you out. Suddenly you notice an odd appearance contrasting with its surroundings. “what does it look like?”. You take a closer look at it. For a moment you’re being pulled inside of an endless deep gaze which freezes time and gives you the overwhelming feeling of being looked into your soul. “Am I endangered?”. The close distance makes you nervous and you can feel your heart beat inside your chest. However, there is no movement, not even a blink. “How did you get here?” You look around and notice you’re not alone. There are only two exits which can be found at the end of the light. “What’s the meaning of this?” Your thoughts get isolated and your mind is being trapped inside a breathtaking experience you did not expect to happen. Standing face to face with this signifcant creature generally known for its paranormal wisdom, regal silence and fierce intelligence makes you feel uncertain and small. It looks like these mysterious orange pearls can see the future and the past in a glimpse of an eye. “What lies ahead of me?”. You are stuck in a moment of reflection. This unusual situation makes you aware of your past deeds. It conveys a message of change. we’re all a guest in here. “When will I see you again?”.