Dear European Bison,

I have never seen you in real life, and if weren’t for zoos I would never have that chance. I’m writing you this letter, because you are a symbol of the importance zoos can have in preserving wildlife all around the world.

When I found out you existed, I was amazed, cause, even though I long admired your American cousin, it never stroke me before that I could find such great magnificent creatures as you in our old Europe. We grow up so far away from any wildlife, that when I found out what really is out there, is always a huge surprise. In my imagination, creatures like you can’t exist so close to home. Great animals like yourself, only seem possible to exist in exotic destinations, where you can find vast amounts of space, like the African or American plains. It’s truly a wonder how you managed to survive for so long in our over-urbanized Europe.

I hope to meet you someday, hopefully outside a zoo, in an old European forest, where I hope you thrive for many centuries to come.

All my love,